What IS Accounts Receivable Financing/Factoring?
How is this beneficial to my business?
Who needs factoring?
What are the advantages of factoring over borrowing funds against a credit line?When you borrow, it's a challenge because. . .
Yet, when you factor it becomes a benefit because. . .
What factoring does. . .
What will my customers think?For some people this question is the most important issue. Generally, most finance companies will want the customers (or debtors) to remit directly to them. In today’s environment, where factoring is more widely known, this seldom causes a problem. However, a well managed factoring company will typically have a Non-Notification program available for those situations where it is warranted. Either way, factoring clients should take the time to inform their customers that a planned change with remittance on their invoices will be taking place. Good business people know the value of open account terms and the importance of maintaining and enhancing terms. Factoring can help to ensure that everyone is paid on time. If clients, customers, and suppliers all cooperate, it becomes a win/win where everyone benefits. How does factoring work?
What kind of industries can use factoring?Any business engaged in creating business-to-business accounts receivable needing cash flow financing of $25,000 to $3,000,000 with minimum monthly billings of $25,000. How can I qualify for factoring when my business does not have a strong financial record, and I have declared bankruptcy in the past? Even if your bank would not give you a loan, we make our determination about your business based on the creditworthiness of your customers, not your credit rating. Need I factor all my invoices? No. It's up to you what you want to factor as long as you reach the monthly minimum of $25,000 in receivables. My profit margin is so slim that if I were to factor, there would not be any profit left on the balance sheet? Not so! The concept of factoring is to use your factoring funds to generate more revenues for your business. We can demonstrate that fact for you with a proposal for your review at no cost and no obligation. Isn't factoring only for companies that are in financial trouble or relatively small? This is a common misconception. A good example that dispels this myth is the fact that a major corporation once factored $750,000,000 to raise needed capital for growth. How can factoring work for me?By providing . . .
Are my invoices liened as collateral?Yes, they are. The factoring company requires first position on invoices you have submitted to their accounts receivable financing program. In some instances they may elect to work with a bank or SBA lender who is also financing your end client. In these cases, the bank must be willing to subordinate its position on the accounts receivable. How much does it cost? The rate and structure are determined by the risk (industry plus creditworthiness of your customer - not your credit), the length of time the money is outstanding (cost of funds), maintenance (monitoring the collateral) and volume. It can be as cost-effective as 1% on your receivables without showing up as a debt on your balance sheet. Once we can confirm your customers' credit rating, we can offer you a personalized factoring program designed to improve your revenue, credit standing and future profits. This customized proposal is at no cost to you. Once you have decided that you are interested in a factoring option, a dedicated advisor will work with you to ensure your factoring success. For comments from satisfied clients, please read Testimonials! If you are ready to apply for business financing now, call us today to discuss the details of your business needs, and let our professional staff walk you through the process to help ensure your continued success. The application process is simple, and approval can be made quickly. Checks are issued within 24 hours of factoring your receivables. Carpe diem! Island Connections All rights reserved © 2016 *Disclaimer
With respect to factoring, this Internet site is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter. However, it is not a substitute for legal, accounting or other professional services. The funding investment opportunities have not been approved or disapproved by the Securities and Exchange Commission nor has the Commission passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of these private offerings. This is not nor shall be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities. Business plans or additional details on any of these ventures are available only to accredited investors or investment professionals upon registering with the network and use of private access password. Neither Island Connections, its management or affiliates make any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information contained within the business plans either orally or written. The aforementioned parties expressly disclaim any and all liability resulting from the use of such information which is subject to errors or omissions including legal, financial or otherwise. Financial projections are assumptions based on a variety of factors which may not prove to be correct. Prospective investors should carefully review and consider the risk factors on any venture prior to making an investment. Venture capital is considered high risk without any guarantees of financial return and should only be done under the guidance of your own professional advisors. No guarantees are provided for funding services.